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Calculate the cost of your Flyer Distribution Campaign

The cost of flyer distribution depends on factors such as design complexity, paper type, and print quality.

Our Flyer Distribution Cost Calculator provides an estimated campaign cost, making budgeting easier!

Experience the difference with Flyertap

Client Testimonials

testimonial_company_icon Provingo

"Flyertap assisted us in executing an offline marketing campaign in ten cities across the US, including door-to-door and hand-to-hand channels, as well as direct mail outreach. The campaign succeeded in engaging a considerable number of customers, including both existing high-value customers and newly acquired ones. We gained valuable insights from testing different offers, analyzing the placement of flyers, and measuring customer engagement. We plan to implement these findings in future campaigns."

Stephanie Chow
Southwest Regional VP of Marketing
testimonial_company_icon Pool Launch

"I have executed multiple offline campaigns to promote our application. My application has a very specific audience, and Flyertap was the only tool that allowed me to target this niche audience specifically. As a result, the retention rates for users who came from Flyertap's campaigns were much better than those of other online or social media campaigns."

Matthew Vaughan
testimonial_company_icon HitJunk

"Our Door 2 Door and Direct Mail campaigns proved to be highly effective marketing strategies in terms of enhancing brand recognition and customer acquisition within our serviceable regions. We achieved this success by leveraging Flyertap's extensive coverage, which allowed us to engage with a large number of potential customers in a targeted manner."

Robert Surge
Marketing Manager